Custom Minesveeper | Reupload of this version

Week 8 - Two, Five, and Ten

0 / 334

0 / 22

0 / 22

0 / 22
0 / 0

Death in:


Today, there are three different kinds of mines: double mines, quintuple mines, and decuple mines.
As you may expect, double mines count as two mines, quintuple mines count as five mines, and decuple mines count as 10 mines.
This can produce numbers above 24. While some of the more common numbers above 24 in this mode get their own color, the rarer ones are represented with two colors.
And no, you can't get a 69 in this mode. The shortest representation using these mines (10+10+10+10+10+10+5+2+2) requires 9 mines around a single square.