Week 1: Double Inverse Mines


NOTE: If the board looks invisible, simply click on it. It will generate like normal, and everything will be visible.

Today adds double inverse mines, a type of mine that multiplies the neighbor count of the surrounding squares by -2.
They were going to be inverse mines (that multiply squares by -1), but that led to too much guessing, so I did this instead.
This always applies after normal mines, so having three single mines and one double inverse mine will always result in a count of 3 × -2 = -6.
The largest number you can encounter this week is 128 (2 normal mines + 6 D.I. mines), and the lowest number you can encounter is -128 (1 normal mine + 7 D.I. mines).
Also, this week is the first week where you can encounter a negative number lower than -8, something that was harder to do with the original Minesveeper code!
Similar strategies to doubler mines (from Week 9 of the original MineDay) can be used, but you will sometimes still have to guess whenever many double inverse mines are clustered.